
Every week Apple’s iTunes Store offers one or more free music and TV show downloads. Often, though, it can been a bit of work finding all the freebies available — so that’s where itsfreedownloads.com comes in. Here you’ll find links to all the current free downloads — just click on the link and you’ll be taken to the file in iTunes to download. Don’t want all the work of checking this website every week? Then use the RSS Feed to keep track of what’s available — the download link is even in the RSS feed for your connivence.

Note: The downloads are usually free for a week, but sometimes there may be exception (either longer or shorter). Be sure to check that the price says “free” before you hit “add song” or “add episode”. itsfreedownloads isn’t responsible if you end up buying the song instead of getting it for free.

Free episode download

Also of course you will need an account with the iTunes Store in order to get your free downloads.